We care and listen. Seriously!
We believe that authentic and verified reviews are the key to making an informed decision. We carefully select brands and products that are beautifully designed, of high quality and will last for years. However, we are aware that this is often a big investment and the experience of other customers is indispensable when making the decision.
You will currently find more than 13,000 product reviews and you can be sure that, within the premium kitchenware category, you won't find more anywhere else but on Kulina.

Reward for your experience
Your reviews and experiences are indispensable to us.
To compensate you for your time invested into the review, you will receive a voucher worth 10 EUR, for every order you provide a review for. The voucher has no restrictions.
No minimum order! Seriously! Treat yourself to something for writing a review.

100% Verified Authentic Reviews
We put our heads on the chopping block that all product reviews that you will find here come directly from Kulina customers who have actually tried the products.
We usually send out a request for a review 3 weeks after purchase and the form for the review always contains only products that the customer has purchased.