4 days
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Kulina for companies - wholesale B2B

made in japan showroom

Kulina for companies - wholesale B2B

Are you interested in wholesale
purchasing, or would you like to work
with us and obtain great conditions
for selling products to your customers?

In that case, book an online meeting
HERE or contact us directly:

+420 735 171 876

Our wholesale team for the Made in Japan brand

The one and only Made in Japan brand also belongs to the Kulina Group. We are a wholesale importer and distributor of luxury tableware for Europe.
Please feel free to contact our wholesale team if you are interested. Learn more about the Made in Japan brand on www.mijeurope.com.

Lucie Šafránková
Office Manager
info@mijeurope.com +420 739 451 492
Michael Žuravlov
B2B Business Leader
michael@mijeurope.com +420 735 171 876
Michaela Birošová
Marketplace Manager
michaela@mijeurope.com +420 739 754 991
Marek Hotovčin
MIJ General Management
marek@mijeurope.com +420 774 452 158